COVID-19 Update

Number of cases / Positive tests
As of 3/22/20…
  • In Florida – 1007 positives, ~9500 negatives, ~1000 pending; ~11,500 total tests done, 13 deaths (average age ~79)
  • In the U.S., approaching 33,000 cases, ~200,000 tests performed, ~414 deaths

Update on Testing

Unfortunately we are still in a situation of very limited testing capabilities; therefore
  • it is still difficult to get tested unless meeting the strictest of criteria (illness in someone with close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19; illness in someone with international travel to an area of outbreak; illness in someone immunocompromised; illness in an elderly patient). Tests are trying to be used in these patients as well as in healthcare workers with illness.
  • The turnaround time for test results is taking up to 7 days in some cases.
Because of this, many patients with possible COVID-19 illness will need to be treated “presumptively” with isolation/quarantine and monitoring, even in the absence of a positive test. This is, as stated before, a rapidly evolving situation, so stay tuned.

Pediatric Cases

On an encouraging note, the pediatric cases in Florida so far have been relatively few, not severe, and no fatalities. Obviously, this could change as more illness is seen, but this is consistent with reports from other countries and for now we are encouraged by this.


Finally, many local students will be beginning their “homeschooling” this week. We realize this is potentially stressful for many/all (kids and parents alike), and though it is not a “pediatric medical” issue, it certainly is a big part of our children’s overall health. Therefore, we wanted to offer what we hope will be some helpful resources. So see the following links and tips, including some from my wife Adair whom I asked to share some of her best thoughts, which she kindly did.
  • Routines! Establish a consistent schedule.
  • Don’t be discouraged by days that don’t go well. This is inevitable. Don’t evaluate “how it’s going” on a daily basis. Look at larger chunks of time (at a minimum, weekly; perhaps every two weeks) and then tweak as necessary.
  • Consider having your child take up a hobby during this time.
  • Ask your friends who have homeschooled their children for their best tips.
Here for you and your family.